Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee

CLA(4)-30-13:  Paper 1





CLA334 - The Lydstep Haven Mussel Fishery Order 2013

Procedure:  Negative


This Order confers on Pembrokeshire Seafarms Ltd (Company Number: 07587777) (“the Grantee”) a right of ‘several’ (exclusive) fishery for mussels (Mytilus edulis) over an area of approximately 168.4 hectares near Lydstep Haven, Pembrokeshire for a period of 15 years starting on 13 December 2013.


CLA335 - The Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2014

Procedure:  Affirmative

This Order amends section 145B of the Government of Wales Act 1998 by removing references to the staff of the Auditor General for Wales.  The Order also amends section 68 of, and Schedule 3 to the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 to substitute references to the Wales Audit Office for references to the Auditor General for Wales.


CLA336 -  The Food Safety, Food Hygiene and Official Controls (Sprouting Seeds) (Wales) Regulations 2013

Procedure:  Negative

These) provide for the enforcement in Wales of Commission Regulations 208/2013, 209/2013, 210/2013 and 211/2013, which establish measures for control for the safe supply of sprouted seeds and seeds for sprouting. 

The objective of the Regulations is to ensure public health protection through the introduction of specific hygiene controls for sprouts and seeds for the sprouting sector and corresponding enforcement.